Saturday, August 22, 2020

geography 10 grade

 1 Composition of the Earth
The Earth is unique among the planets in the Solar System as the only living planet.
The composition of the earth
With a surface area of ​​about 510 million square kilometers, the Earth is a very large system
   The Earth system consists of four subsystems
             1. Atmosphere
             2. The petroglyph
             3. Hydrosphere
             4. Biosphere
                           Are 4 subsystems.

The region that includes the Earth's crust and the upper part of the mantle is called the lithosphere
According to the structure, the lithosphere consists of two parts
ක Earth's crust (2 types ie)
          1. Continental crust
          2. Oceanic crust
High permeability
The lithosphere has various effects on the utilization of the resources of the lithosphere by man
(1) Land degradation during the excavation of resources.
(2) Intensification of soil erosion due to land exposure due to deforestation.
(3) Changes in the surface landscape. (4) Groundwater level change.
(5) Damage to certain layers of the lithosphere by the disposal of industrial and domestic effluents.
The atmosphere is a thin layer of various gases that surround the earth. Due to the gravitational pull of the earth, the atmosphere is attached to the earth. The most important part of the atmosphere is the region, which extends up to 120 km above the ground. The region, about 5-6 km from the Earth's surface, contains about 50% of the total volume of air.

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