Tuesday, November 17, 2020

buddhist civilization 12/13 grade

This teaching of Apad Dhamma is teaching related to Swadharma and the teaching of Apad Dhamma is to follow the Swadharma with some modification and relaxation. Disaster Dhamma is the practice of Swadharma in times of calamity. That is to say, Chapter 10 of Manusmuti mentions the practice of following the Dhamma of one's own color in the event of natural disasters.

Disasters of Brahmin color
In the event of a catastrophe, Brahmins can follow the Vitakshatriya color Swadharma, which they cannot live by. That is,
1.Pajra Insurance
2. Donation
3. Sacrifice
4. Learning
5. Kshatriya Swadharma can be done as its Apaddharma, such as the act of lust.
When Brahmins are unable to live by Kshatriya Swadharma in times of calamity, they can engage in Vaishya-colored Swadharmas. That is,
01 Animal Husbandry 02 Learning
 03 Donation 04 Trade
 05 Donation, 06 Payment of interest
      07 Agriculture can be done
In this way, the Brahmin people can do this as their own evil until the end of the time of calamity. If they are not able to do this evil, the Swadharma of the pure color will never act as their own evil.
Ă˜ Kshatriya color disaster
Kshatriya people can engage in Vaishya-colored Swadharmas in times of calamity when they are unable to live by the Kshatriya-colored Swadharma. That is,
01 Animal Husbandry 02 Learning 03 Giving 04 Trading
05 Donation, 06 Payment of interest
                        07 Agriculture can be done
In this way, the Kshatriya people can do this as their own evil until the end of the time of disaster.
The disaster of Vaishya color
When the Vaishya people are unable to live by the Vaishya color Swadharma in a time of calamity, the Vaishya color can only engage in the Swadharma of pure color as their affliction, viz.
                    Brahmins are entitled to serve the Kshatriya colors
The disaster of the color of purple
In times of calamity, no evil is prescribed for the color of the saints and in those times the saints perish
The rule of the Brahmin is to follow his dharma as soon as the calamity is over and even in times of calamity the dharma of the Brahmin color cannot be performed in any color.

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