Tuesday, November 17, 2020

buddhist civilization 12/13 grade

Swadharma can be described as teaching as important as the Varna Dhamma of creationist theism Brahmanism. The great Brahma, who created the society according to the four colors of his body, prescribed the Swadharmas separately for the four colors to live. That principle of Swadharma is mentioned in the first chapter of Manusdhuti. Accordingly, Swadharma is (the group of jobs created by the great Brahma in four colors separately).
The color of Brahman
   Verse 88 of the first chapter of the Swadharma Manusdhuti of the Brahmanical color is mentioned.
                                      Educational Centers - Yajanan Yajanan Thatha
                       Danang Pratigrahananchaiva - Brahmanamakalpaya
                                                                                                                            (Measure 1.88)
Teaching, learning, sacrificing, sacrificing, giving, giving are the functions of a Brahmin.
Through this Swadharma, all the privileges of the society have been given to the Brahmins. They were powerful people who made a lot of money by accepting donations and making sacrifices. Here the Brahmin caste was powerful with all the privileges.
 Verse 90 of the first chapter of the Vaishnava color Swadharma Manusdhuti is mentioned.
 Livestock Insurance - Mijyadhyayanamevacha
                  Vanikpathan Kusidancha - Vaishyasya Krishimevacha (Measure 1.90)

Animal husbandry, donation, sacrifice, learning, trade, money lending, agriculture are the functions of the Vaishyas.
 Verse 91 of the first chapter of the Swadharma Manusdhuti of the pure color is mentioned.
Ekamevathu Shudrasya - Prabhu Karma Samadhisath
                    Athesameva Varnanan - Sushrasamanusuyasa (Manu 1.91)
    The aristocracy of each of the colors mentioned above is entitled to serve.


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