Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Geography 10 grade


He studies Indian Brahmanical social sciences and examines the Buddhist attitude towards it.
 India is a huge country. The Supreme Buddha in central India in the 6th century BC
 The land has descended. That Bharata society where the Buddha descended. Based on the great Brahma
Organized according to Brahmanical Dhamma. Active based on the Great Brahma
 The whole society
• Color Dhamma
Ashram Dhamma
• The sacrifice was active according to the teaching
• Color Dhamma
That the Brahmins taught social origins based on the Dhamma of color. Those teachings are mentioned in the 90th verse of the 10th panel of the Rigveda
Brahmanosya Mukhamasid - Bahu Rajanayakrutha
Rutadasya Yad Vaishya - Padbhyam Shudro Ajayatha
                                                                                        (Surah 10.90)
This teaching was called Varna Dhamma.
2.Kshatriya>> Aryan colors
4.Suddha> Anarya colors
That the four social corporations are called the square color.
The color of Brahman was created by the mouth of the great Brahmin, the color of Kshatriya by the pair of arms, the color of Vaishya by the pair of thighs, and the color of Shudra by the soles of the feet. ). Brahmanical religion has created 4 colors, high and low, to eliminate the monotony of society. And the Sovereign Lord, the All-Knowing, the All-Seeing, the All-Seeing Brahman, has said this about the creation of human society according to the four colors.
“Mr. Chathur Varna: Creator
Qualification Examination ”
I created the four colors considering the quality and karma of each color.

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