Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Geography 10 grade


He studies Indian Brahmanical social sciences and examines the Buddhist attitude towards it.
 India is a huge country. The Supreme Buddha in central India in the 6th century BC
 The land has descended. That Bharata society where the Buddha descended. Based on the great Brahma
Organized according to Brahmanical Dhamma. Active based on the Great Brahma
 The whole society
• Color Dhamma
Ashram Dhamma
• The sacrifice was active according to the teaching
• Color Dhamma
That the Brahmins taught social origins based on the Dhamma of color. Those teachings are mentioned in the 90th verse of the 10th panel of the Rigveda
Brahmanosya Mukhamasid - Bahu Rajanayakrutha
Rutadasya Yad Vaishya - Padbhyam Shudro Ajayatha
                                                                                        (Surah 10.90)
This teaching was called Varna Dhamma.
2.Kshatriya>> Aryan colors
4.Suddha> Anarya colors
That the four social corporations are called the square color.
The color of Brahman was created by the mouth of the great Brahmin, the color of Kshatriya by the pair of arms, the color of Vaishya by the pair of thighs, and the color of Shudra by the soles of the feet. ). Brahmanical religion has created 4 colors, high and low, to eliminate the monotony of society. And the Sovereign Lord, the All-Knowing, the All-Seeing, the All-Seeing Brahman, has said this about the creation of human society according to the four colors.
“Mr. Chathur Varna: Creator
Qualification Examination ”
I created the four colors considering the quality and karma of each color.

buddhist civilization 12/13 grade

Swadharma can be described as teaching as important as the Varna Dhamma of creationist theism Brahmanism. The great Brahma, who created the society according to the four colors of his body, prescribed the Swadharmas separately for the four colors to live. That principle of Swadharma is mentioned in the first chapter of Manusdhuti. Accordingly, Swadharma is (the group of jobs created by the great Brahma in four colors separately).
The color of Brahman
   Verse 88 of the first chapter of the Swadharma Manusdhuti of the Brahmanical color is mentioned.
                                      Educational Centers - Yajanan Yajanan Thatha
                       Danang Pratigrahananchaiva - Brahmanamakalpaya
                                                                                                                            (Measure 1.88)
Teaching, learning, sacrificing, sacrificing, giving, giving are the functions of a Brahmin.
Through this Swadharma, all the privileges of the society have been given to the Brahmins. They were powerful people who made a lot of money by accepting donations and making sacrifices. Here the Brahmin caste was powerful with all the privileges.
 Verse 90 of the first chapter of the Vaishnava color Swadharma Manusdhuti is mentioned.
 Livestock Insurance - Mijyadhyayanamevacha
                  Vanikpathan Kusidancha - Vaishyasya Krishimevacha (Measure 1.90)

Animal husbandry, donation, sacrifice, learning, trade, money lending, agriculture are the functions of the Vaishyas.
 Verse 91 of the first chapter of the Swadharma Manusdhuti of the pure color is mentioned.
Ekamevathu Shudrasya - Prabhu Karma Samadhisath
                    Athesameva Varnanan - Sushrasamanusuyasa (Manu 1.91)
    The aristocracy of each of the colors mentioned above is entitled to serve.


buddhist civilization 12/13 grade

This teaching of Apad Dhamma is teaching related to Swadharma and the teaching of Apad Dhamma is to follow the Swadharma with some modification and relaxation. Disaster Dhamma is the practice of Swadharma in times of calamity. That is to say, Chapter 10 of Manusmuti mentions the practice of following the Dhamma of one's own color in the event of natural disasters.

Disasters of Brahmin color
In the event of a catastrophe, Brahmins can follow the Vitakshatriya color Swadharma, which they cannot live by. That is,
1.Pajra Insurance
2. Donation
3. Sacrifice
4. Learning
5. Kshatriya Swadharma can be done as its Apaddharma, such as the act of lust.
When Brahmins are unable to live by Kshatriya Swadharma in times of calamity, they can engage in Vaishya-colored Swadharmas. That is,
01 Animal Husbandry 02 Learning
 03 Donation 04 Trade
 05 Donation, 06 Payment of interest
      07 Agriculture can be done
In this way, the Brahmin people can do this as their own evil until the end of the time of calamity. If they are not able to do this evil, the Swadharma of the pure color will never act as their own evil.
Ø Kshatriya color disaster
Kshatriya people can engage in Vaishya-colored Swadharmas in times of calamity when they are unable to live by the Kshatriya-colored Swadharma. That is,
01 Animal Husbandry 02 Learning 03 Giving 04 Trading
05 Donation, 06 Payment of interest
                        07 Agriculture can be done
In this way, the Kshatriya people can do this as their own evil until the end of the time of disaster.
The disaster of Vaishya color
When the Vaishya people are unable to live by the Vaishya color Swadharma in a time of calamity, the Vaishya color can only engage in the Swadharma of pure color as their affliction, viz.
                    Brahmins are entitled to serve the Kshatriya colors
The disaster of the color of purple
In times of calamity, no evil is prescribed for the color of the saints and in those times the saints perish
The rule of the Brahmin is to follow his dharma as soon as the calamity is over and even in times of calamity the dharma of the Brahmin color cannot be performed in any color.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

geography 10 grade

 1 Composition of the Earth
The Earth is unique among the planets in the Solar System as the only living planet.
The composition of the earth
With a surface area of ​​about 510 million square kilometers, the Earth is a very large system
   The Earth system consists of four subsystems
             1. Atmosphere
             2. The petroglyph
             3. Hydrosphere
             4. Biosphere
                           Are 4 subsystems.

The region that includes the Earth's crust and the upper part of the mantle is called the lithosphere
According to the structure, the lithosphere consists of two parts
ක Earth's crust (2 types ie)
          1. Continental crust
          2. Oceanic crust
High permeability
The lithosphere has various effects on the utilization of the resources of the lithosphere by man
(1) Land degradation during the excavation of resources.
(2) Intensification of soil erosion due to land exposure due to deforestation.
(3) Changes in the surface landscape. (4) Groundwater level change.
(5) Damage to certain layers of the lithosphere by the disposal of industrial and domestic effluents.
The atmosphere is a thin layer of various gases that surround the earth. Due to the gravitational pull of the earth, the atmosphere is attached to the earth. The most important part of the atmosphere is the region, which extends up to 120 km above the ground. The region, about 5-6 km from the Earth's surface, contains about 50% of the total volume of air.

buddhist civilization 12/13 grade

Sinhala language

bhāratīya brahmaṇa samāja dharma adhyayanaya kara ē piḷiban̆da bauddha ākalpaya vimasā balayi. bhārata dēśya ati viśāla rājyayaki . budurājāṇan vahansē kri.pu 6 siyavasē bhāratayē madhya dēśaye pahalavī æta. buduhimi pahala vu ema bhārata samājaya.mahā brāhmayā mul karagat brāhmaṇa dahama anuva saṁvidhānaya vī æta . mahā brāhmayā mul karaganimin kriyātmaka vu mulumahat samājaya •varṇa dharma •svadharma •āśrama dharma •āpad dharma •yāgaya yanadī igænvīma anuva kriyātmaka viya • varṇa dharma brāhmaṇayan varṇa dharma padanam koṭagena samāja prabhavaya igænvū bava. ema igænvīm ghṛgvēdayē 10 vana maṇḍalayē 90 vana puruṣa sūktayē san̆dahan vana bava brāhmaṇōsya mukhamāsid - bāhu rājanyakṛta ūrutadasya yad vaiśya - padbhyām śudrō ajāyata (sṛg 10.90) mema igænvīma varṇa dharma namin hæn̆dinvū bava. 1.brāhmaṇa > 2.kṣatriya > > ārya varṇa 3.vaiśya > 4.śudra > ānārya varṇa yana samāja saṁsthā hatara catur varṇaya nam vana bava. mahā brāhmayāgē mukhayen brāhmaṇa varṇayada ,bāhu yugalayen kṣatriya varṇaya da ,kalavā yugalayen vaiśaya varṇayada ,yaṭi patulin śudra varṇayada mavana ladi .mema varṇa dharma anuva samājayē usas ma varṇaya brāhmaṇa varṇayayi.tavada ovun minisun sahā dēviyan sambandha karana pudgalayā lesa salakā æta.enisāma (bhūsara) yana namin hadunvayi. brāhmaṇa dahama samājayē ekākāri bava næti kīrima sadahā us pahat lesa varṇa 4 k mavā tibē. tavada sillaṭa adhīpati ,siyalla dannā ,siyalla dakinā asahāya brāhmayā siv varṇayanṭa anuva minis samājaya mævīma piḷibadava melesa pavasā æta. “catur varṇaḥ mayā sṛṣṭaḥ guṇakarma vibhāgaṣaḥ” mā visin siv varṇayan mavana laddē ē ē varṇayan hi guṇaya sahā karmaya salakā balāyaga.

buddhist civilization 12/13 grade


Sinhala language

brakmaṇa yugaya •brakmaṇa yugaya vaidika yugayen pasu eḷam̆bena kālaya brāhmaṇa yugayayi . mekaḷa ēka dēvavādi viśvāsa mata lova ekama deviyan mahā brāhman lesa nam karana ladi . emenma ohu viśva māpaka , viśvayē katṛ , sarvatōbhadra , sarvadarśī , sarvagna ādī vū ekama deviyan lesa saḷakā æta . emenma va dika yugayē siṭa deviyanṭa puda pūjā pævætvū pūjakayan " brāhmaṇa " yanuven samājayē ismatu vannaṭa viya . ovun mahā brāhman mul kara ganimin ema ekama deviyangē igænvīm lesa lōka nirmāṇaya , samāja nirmāṇaya , varṇa dhamma svadharma , āpat dharma , āgama dharma yāga hōma puda pūjā ādiya samājayaṭa han̆dunvā dunha . ē saman̆gama deviyanṭa vaḍā brāhmaṇayan ismatu vū mema yugaya brāhmaṇa yugaya lesa han̆dunvannaṭa viya •āraṇyaka yugaya brāhmaṇa āgamika igænvīmvalin pīḍāvaṭa pat kaḷa pirisak mekaḷa æti vannaṭa viya . ovun brahmaṇa igænvīm valaṭa viruddhava gihi geyin nikmuṇu āraṇya gata vū jīvita gata kaḷaha . evæni kaṇḍāyam bahulava æti vū mema yugaya āraṇyaka yugaya lesa han̆dunvayi . ekaḷa āraṇyayaka vuvangē podu lakṣaṇa nam satya , vimuktiya , karmaya , puṇarbhavaya , sasara ādī karuṇu piḷiban̆dava gæm̆burin gavēśaṇaya kirīmayi . ovun brāhmaṇayan igæn vū deviyan , svadharma , varṇadharma , āśrama dharma ādiya dæḍi lesa bæhæra kalēya . vivēcanaya kaḷēya .

budibuddhist civilization 12/13 grade

Sinhala language

vaidika yugaya vaidika yugayē ārambhaya madhya āsiyāvē sṭep tāṇa bhumihi siṭa kāl bōlān maṁkaḍaval ossē bhāratayaṭa sēndu vū ārya janatāva mema yugaya bihi kara æta . ovun ravī saha indu gaṁgāvan asabaḍa vū svadēśika gam bim yaṭapat karaganimin mema vaidika yugayayē ārambha ema svadēśika gam valama padiṁci vū ārya janayā kṛṣikarmāntayē saha paṁśu pālanaya jīvana upāya kara gatya . ē samagama ovun svabhādahamaṭa pera novū ākārayen samīpa vū atara ē hētuvenma vedika āgamika cintanayē ārambhaya sidukvena ema vaidika yugayē āgamika tatvaya kramānukulava koṭas kihipayak yaṭatē adhyanaya kara bælīma vædagat vē. 1.svabhādahama pudgalatvayen sælakīma govitæn kirimat samaga vaidika janayāṭa svabhāvika vastunvala balapǣm dinīya enisā sadu pudgalayek,hiræ pudgalayek,væssa pudgalayek ādī vaśayen svabhāvika vastunṭa amantranaya kaḷaha 2.svabhādahama dēvatvayen sælakīma vaidika janayā tavaduraṭat mema śīṣṭācāraya tuḷa diyuṇuvaṭa patva æta phama nisā movun svabhāvika vastun dēvatvayen sælakiya svabhādahama piḷibada garætavaya biya mulkaragena dēvatvayen salakā æta sadu,hiræ,væssa ādī svabhāvika dē dēvatvayaṭa nagamin yāga,hōma,pujā kaḷaha 3.bahu dēva vādīavasthāva vaidika janayā tavaduraṭat mema śīṣṭācāraya tuḷa jivatvīmedi agamika vaśayen diyuṇuvaṭa patva aæta evagēma avaśyatā bahula viya ema bahula avaśyatā nisāma ema avaśyatā mulkæganimin boho dēvivaræ garækaranṭa viya ekala dēvivaræ tistun koṭiyak garækalaha vædum pidum kaḷaha ema boho dēvivaræn hadunā gænimē pahasuvaṭa akāra 3 kaṭa bedā dakvana ladi (1)akāśastha = (ahasa aæsuræ karagat dēviyan) hiræ ,sadu , taræ (2) bhūmastha dēviyan = (poḷava aæsuræ karagat dēviyan) rækṣa, gaṁgā (3) antarikṣa dēviyan = (ahasa poḷava aæsuræ karagat dēviyan) mārætaya,viduḷi,varṣā melesa svabhāvadahama piḷībada bohō dēviyan hadunā garækaḷa yugaya bahu dēva vādi avasthāvayi.


buddhist civilization 12/13 grade


Sinhala language

prag bauddha hā buddha kālīna āgamika sāmājika dēśapālanikahā ārthīka pasubima vimarśanātmaka va dakayi •prāg baddha āgamika samājaya hā buddhakālina bhāratiya samājaya hadunā gænīma buddhakālina bhāratīya samājaya yanu bhārata dēśaya tula budurajāṇan vahansē pahaḷa vū kālaya yannayi . enam kristu pūrva hayavæni siyavasayi . āgamika saṁskṛtika vaśayen itā saṁkīrṇa ema yugaya piḷiban̆da vimasā bælīmē dī īṭa pera kālaya piḷiban̆dava adhyanaya kirima vædagat vē . prāg bauddha yugaya yanu buduradun bhāratayē pahaḷa vīmaṭa pera kāla vakavānuvayi . enam kristu pūrva hayavana siyavasaṭa pera kālayayi . buddha kālina bhāratīya saṁskṛtiya adhyayanaya kirimē dī buddha kālayaṭa pera vū ( prāg bauddha kālaya ) yugaya piḷiban̆dava da yam væṭahīmak æti kara gænīma atyavaśyaya . buddha kālayaṭa pera yugayē ārambhaya itā ǣta kālayaṭa divena atara eya kramānukulava saṁvardhanaya vemin diyuṇu vū bava pæhædiliya . vprāg bauddha yugaya ehi ārambhaya itā anādimat kālayaka bhārata dēśaya ārya janayā ākramaṇaya kirimat samagama æti viya . ekala bhārata dēśayē visū mul dēśavāsīn hevat svadēśikayangē pæraṇi gam bim yaṭat kara ganimin ārya janayā nava śiṣṭācāraya arabana ladī . ema prāg bauddha śiṣṭācāraya han̆dunā gænīmē pahasuva san̆dahā yuga hatarak yaṭatē penavā denu labayi. enam , 1.vaidika yugaya 2. brāhmaṇa yugaya 3. āraṇyayaka yugaya 4. upaniśad yugaya yanuveni ihata prāg bauddha yugayanṭa adāla āgamika pasubimē anādimat toraturu vēda sāhitya hevat mema yugayanhima racanā vū siv vēdayē daknaṭa læbē . ema siv vēdaya nam , 1. sṛg vēdaya 2. yajur vēdaya 3 . sāman vēdaya 4. atharvan vēdaya. mema vēda sāhityayaṭa anuva ē ē yugayan gænat īṭa adāla āgamika pasubima piḷiban̆dava vimasīmak karamu

